Senior Portrait - Info Form

Do you want to learn more about the Senior Experience by Christy Wright? Fill this out and I will contact you soon to discuss the details.  Thanks for inquiring!

Senior portraits can be taken anytime starting right after Junior year, all the way up to, and sometimes right after, graduation. The Senior Experience is an afternoon photo shoot where we go to several locations. This includes 1-2 consultations before the session to decide locations and discuss clothing so that you are prepared the day of the photo session. There is a lot to share about the experience so fill this out and I will get in touch with you shortly.  


Senior Portrait Session Creative Fee




Contact info:
Christy Wright

*One of my favorite things is photographing high school seniors.  I offer wall art, albums, folio boxes, gift prints and digitals because I want you to have a physical record of your pictures. The goal is for your wall art to be displayed in your house and for you to be able to flip through your album, which has the fantastic pics from our session, again and again, for years to come. I am not a shoot-and-burn photographer. 

Thank you for contacting Christy Wright Photography!

Thank you for contacting me!   

I look forward to chatting with you to see what you are looking for. 




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